Good Beer Guide 2022
Apparently ‘Sold Out’ !! No doubt there will be a re-print so keep an eye on the CAMRA Bookshop if you want to get a copy.
Good Beer Guide 2019
Is your favourite pub missing from the Guide? All pubs that appear in the Guide have to be nominated by CAMRA members, you can get involved in this process by:
- Attending the Good Beer Guide Selection meeting at the end of January as advertised in the Social Diary. The purpose of the Selection meeting is for members to discuss the pubs that have been nominated, review the formal survey results and vote on the pubs to be included.
- Completing National Beer Scoring System forms every time you visit a pub. Instructions are here.
- Completing the Beer Guide Selection form here with your comments and observations.
- Contacting any Branch Committee member directly using our branch email address.
- Rating pubs using whatpub
After our AGM held on the usually last Saturday in November the nominations list of pubs to be surveyed for possible entry into the GBG is drawn up. All the listed pubs will be surveyed formally, when the official form is completed. The pub must pass the survey to be included in the selection meeting but passing the survey does not mean automatic entry into the GBG. We urge all our members to visit the nominated pubs, enter an NBSS score and attend the Selection meeting which will take place at the end of January.
The selection meeting takes place normally on the last Sunday in January
In West Kent we mainly use the straight vote method but take into consideration the national beer scoring results. The Branch Committee will review the NBSS scores prior to the nomination meeting and if any pub is scoring highly we will ensure that it is nominated. The NBSS scores will be made available at the Selection meeting for all attendees to see. It is anticipated that beer scoring will gradually increase in importance as we gather a greater number of results spread out over many pubs and through the year. At the moment there are too few results to make an accurate assessment, so we urge all our Branch members to score the pubs they visit. To help our members score we are exploring the possibility of holding a series of tutored tasting sessions.
Landlords often ask to apply for their pub to be entered. The short answer is, no, our members decide on our entries. We welcome news from Landlords if they have added, increased or changed their range of real ales. As one of the criteria is constancy it is unlikely that a landlord with less than 3 months in a new pub or a new range of ales will be considered.